目的 了解内科住院病人的睡眠状况及其影响因素,以便提供针对性的干预措施。方法 采用睡眠状况自评量表(SRSS)对300例内科住院病人进行问卷调查。结果 76.67%的内科住院病人存在不同程度的失眠,显著高于全国常模(P<O.01)。睡眠问题主要为失眠后反应、入睡困难、睡眠不稳、早醒。由病理因素所致的生理不适、心理压力以及环境和生活习惯改变是导致内科住院病人失眠的主要因素。结论 内科病人失眠具有普遍性、特殊性,应引起医护人员的足够重视,积极对症处理,做好健康教育和心理护理,减少内科住院病人的失眠率,以利病人保持良好的身心状况。
Objective To know the sleeping of medical inpatients and the influencing factors. Methods SRSS was used to make a questionnaire on 300 medical inpatients. Results 76. 67% of the medical inpatients had different degree of insomnia, significantly higher than that of national normal mode(P<0. 01). The dyssomnia in 300 medical inpatients mainly included post-insomnia, difficulty of falling sleep, unstable sleep and early wake. Pathologic factors-induced physiologic discomfort, mental stress and the changes in habitation and living habits were the main factors for the insomnia of the medical inpatients. Conclusion The insomnia of the medical inpatients were of universality and particularity. Doctors and nurses should pay attention to the insomnia of the medical inpatients by strengthening healthy education and mental nursing care.
Journal of Nursing Science