From December 1985 to August 1988, a total of 196 patients with nosopharyngeal carcinoma who received CT scan before initial treatment in our hospital was analysed. Among 107 patients had unilateral or bilateral neck node of diameter larger than 3cm, the incidence of involvemet in the parapharyngeal spaces was 65.4% (70 / 107) and in carotid sheath area was 62.62% (67/107), while for the 32 patients with metastatie lymph node less than 3cm, the incidence of involvement in the paraparyngeal spaces was 15.63%(5/32) and in carotid sheath area was only 12.5%( 4 /32),respectively The difference was highly significant statistically (P<0.005). 84.27%(75/89) patients with the parapharyngeal spaces involvement and 84.52% ( 71/84) patients with carotid sheath area involvement had metastatie neck lymph node.All four patients with paralysis of the last four crahial nerves had involvement of the parapharyngeal spaces. While among p-atients with other oranial nerves involved , the incidence of involvement of the parapharyngeal spaces was only 35.71% (10/28) . Our results indicated that theree was closely relatbnship between the metastatie neck lymph nodes of NPC and the involement of the perapharyngeal spaces. The metastatie neck node of NPC may be probably caused by direct infiltration of tumor via the carotid sheath area. For the patients with noct examina tion the radiation field was designed mainly accorded to the size of the metastatie neck lymph node.
Chinese Journal of Cancer
parapharyngeal spaces Carotid sheath area metastatic neck lymph node of NPC last four cranial nerves