When using traditional image search engines, smartphone users often complain about their poor user interface including poor user experience, and weak interaction. Moreover, users are unable to find a desired picture partly due to the unclear key words. This paper proposes the word-bag co-occurrence scheme by defining the correlation between images. Through exploratory search, the search range can be expanded and help users refine retrieval of the expected images. Firstly, the proposed scheme applied the bag of visual words (BoVW) vector by processing images on Hadoop. Secondly, similarity matrix was constructed to organize the image data. Finally, the images in which users were interested was visually displayed on the android mobile phone via exploratory search. Comparing the proposed method to current methods by testing with image data sets on ImageNet, the experimental results show that the former is superior to the latter on visual representation, and the proposed scheme can provide a better user experience.
International Conference of Pioneering Computer Scientists, Engineers and Educators(ICPCSEE)