
精准扶贫对乡村振兴的促进机制研究 被引量:4

A Research on the Promotion of the Rural Revitalization through the Targeted Poverty Alleviation
摘要 精准扶贫通过资源下乡的方式为贫困地区输入了大量资源,在监督体制和问责体制约束下,这些资源有效促进了贫困地区和贫困户的发展。精准扶贫实施的时空结构、运作结构和对象结构与乡村振兴战略存在较大重合的特点,这使精准扶贫的成果可以为乡村振兴战略共享,从而为乡村振兴战略的实施奠定了产业、人才、文化、生态和组织等方面的基础。 The targeted poverty alleviation has sent a lot of resources to poverty-stricken areas.Owing to the supervision system and accountability system,these resources effectively promote the development of poverty-stricken areas and households.The time and space structure,the operational structure and the object structure itself of the implementation of the targeted poverty alleviation are in accordance with the nature of the rural revitalization strategy.The targeted poverty alleviation has laid an industrial,cultural,ecological and organizational foundation for the implementation of the rural revitalization strategy.
作者 刘升 LIU Sheng(School of Public Administration,Guizhou University,Guiyang,Guizhou 550025,China)
出处 《河北北方学院学报(社会科学版)》 2019年第4期60-65,共6页 Journal of Hebei North University:Social Science Edition
基金 贵州省社科规划青年课题(18GZQN32) 贵州大学文科重点学科重大科研项目(GDZT201709)
关键词 精准扶贫 乡村振兴 搭便车 the targeted poverty alleviation the rural revitalization being accompanied by
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