德兴铜矿废石胶带系统为半连续排土系统,该系统共有 5 条胶带运输机,滚筒是胶带运输机中的重要组成部分,通常滚筒轴承温度依靠人工测量,且只能测量轴承座外部温度,测量不准确,并且不易及时发现轴承异常情况,导致设备停机故障时有发生。滚筒轴承故障预警装置的应用,能准确采集轴承温度,利用PLC 控制系统中的温升程序判断轴承是否存在异常,并在上位机上显示预警信息,能有效减少设备故障,避免了设备事故的发生。
The waste rock belt conveyor system in Dexing Copper Mine is a semi continuous dumping system with five belt conveyor. The roller is an important part of belt conveyor. The roller bearing temperature usually relies on manual measurement, but only the external temperature of bearing pedestal can be measured, and the measurement is not accurate. So it’s not easy to find bearing abnormal situation in time, resulting in failure of equipment downtime. The application of the roller bearing fault warning device can accurately collect the bearing temperature, use the temperature rise program in the PLC control system to judge whether the bearing is abnormal, and display the warning information on the upper computer, which can effectively reduce the equipment failure and avoid the occurrence of equipment accidents.
WANG Xue-feng;CHENG Zhi-peng(Dexing Copper Mine, Jiangxi Copper Corporation Limited, Dexing 334224, Jiangxi, China)
Copper Engineering