Product brand, attribute and additional service are three most important elements of the product and service portfolio. In this paper we use the EEG experiment to study the impact of various factors on customer perceived value. In two online-shopping experiments, twenty two subjects were asked to decide whether to buy the products with respective brand and services(Experiment 1) and the products with respective brand and attributes(Experiment 2). The stimuli were divided into four groups: for experiment 1, P11(wellknown brand + general service), P12(unknown brand + superior service), P13(well-known brand + superior service), P14(unknown brand + general service);for experiment 2, P21(well-known brand + general attribute), P22(unknown brand + superior attribute), P23(well-known brand + superior attribute), P24(unknown brand + general attribute). The study shows that brand is a benchmark factor for product and service portfolio. When consumers mark the brand of product and service portfolio to be "well-known", they are not sensitive to the quality of additional services and product attributes. However, when consumers mark the brand of product and service portfolio to be "unknown", they will be more sensitive to the quality of service provided by the product and service portfolio and the level of product attributes, that is, the perceived value will be more sensitive to the changes of additional services and product attributes. The EEG wave reflected the impact of three elements on received value. For example, the P300 evoked by P11(P21) is higher than that of P13(P23), which means that the attribute of well-known brand could not get more cognitive resource allocation. The P300 s evoked by P12 and P22 are higher than those of P13 and P23. Thus, when the brand is unknown, it is more sensitive to the attributes and additional service at the level of value perception. Some suggestions are put forward for enterprises to promote the combination of products and services in the market competition strategy and resource alloc
Han Weiwei;Zhang Heng(School of Modem Post, Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications;School of Economics and Management, Beihang University)
Nankai Business Review