
美欧对世界贸易组织改革的设想与中国方案比较 被引量:22

A Comparison between the US’ and EU’s Visions on WTO Reform and Those of China
摘要 当前,世界经济格局发生深刻变化,单边主义、保护主义抬头,经济全球化遭遇波折,多边贸易体制的权威性和有效性受到严重挑战。以世界贸易组织为核心的多边贸易体制陷入危机。在此背景下,美国和欧盟提出了对WTO改革的设想。相较之下,欧盟虽然在WTO上诉机构危机及其处理上对美不满,但其核心主张与美国的核心主张具有相似性和兼容性,即反对“非市场导向的经济体”在多边贸易体制内“搭便车”和推行“不公平贸易”行为,并获得对欧美贸易的巨大优势等。中国的改革方案不仅关注WTO争端解决机构的生存,还一如既往地维护发展中国家在WTO框架内的权利,而且着力反对针对特定国家的歧视规则的引入。中国与欧盟在WTO争端解决机构危机处理方面存在共识;但中国的改革方案与欧盟、美国的设想存在诸多差别。鉴于WTO协商一致的决策原则以及美欧中改革方案的差异,要真正启动WTO的改革,困难重重。 The world’s economic landscape is undergoing profound changes. With the rise of unilateralism and protectionism,economic globalization is encountering setbacks and reversals and the authority and efficacy of the multilateral trading system is faced with severe challenges.The international political economy related to the evolution of the international system provides a useful perspective for us to observe the future development of the WTO and to examine the international actors’ proposals for the WTO reform. Regardless of the differences in their attitudes towards and their roles in the WTO,all the three parties,that is,the European Union,the United States and China,recognize that the multilateral trading system with the WTO at its core is in crisis. In this context,all of them have submitted proposals or expressed ideas for WTO reform. In comparison,despite the EU’s dissatisfaction with the US’position on the crisis surrounding the WTO Appellate Body,its core claims share similarities and compatibility with those of the US,which focus on China’s so-called‘non-market oriented policies and practices’. In contrast,China’s reform proposals underscore not only the necessity of WTO dispute settlement mechanism,but also the rights of the developing countries within the WTO framework. In addition,China is opposed to the introduction of discriminatory rules targeting at specific countries. Although there are no great differences between China and the EU on the crisis management of the WTO dispute settlement body,China’s proposals are quite far away from those of the EU and the United States. This paper argues that in light of the WTO’s consensus-based decision-making mechanism and the heterogeneity of the ideas among the three parties,the prospect for launching the WTO reform is gloomy.
作者 孔庆江 KONG Qingjiang
出处 《欧洲研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2019年第3期38-56,I0003,I0004,共21页 Chinese Journal of European Studies
基金 国家社会科学基金重大委托项目“创新发展中国特色社会主义法治理论体系研究”(项目批准号:17@ZH014)子课题“积极参与全球治理与国际法治”的阶段性研究成果
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