
如何实现小学教师工作量的减负增效——基于某小学教师40天工作时间的实地调查 被引量:50

How to Reduce the Burden and Increase the Efficiency of Primary School Teachers’ Workload: An Investigation of a Primary School Teacher’s 40-Day Working Time
摘要 对一位有着18年教龄的小学教师进行40天的实地观察发现,该小学教师的工作时长远超过国家法定的8小时,上课、备课、批改作业等教学活动时间只占工作总时长的三分之一,近60%用于学生管理、家校沟通和临时性行政事务的处理上,用于教师自身发展的如阅读时间、与同事交流讨论时间非常少。本文运用角色理论解释了小学教师工作时间分配的特点,小学教师作为社会角色,天然地受社会期待和职业惯性的影响,面子观点和获得自尊的认可约束着教师的时间分配,对"学校集体"的归属及对学校荣誉的重视让他们不能推掉那些他们称之为"杂事"的行政事务。要实现小学教师工作的减负增效,需要调整小学教师所承担的角色功能。 Based on 40 days field observation of one primary school teacher,it was found that the primary school teacher ’s average working day is more than eight hours, the legal working hours. Teaching activities such as preparing lessons and grading students’ papers only take one-third of the total working hours. Nearly 60% of working hours is for management such as student management,school-parents communication,administrative meeting,and training. There was very little time spending on teachers ’ own development,such as reading time and discussion with colleagues. This study applies role theory to interpret the characteristics of primary school teachers’ working time allocation. As a social role,primary school teachers are naturally influenced by social expectation and occupational inertia. The idea of the face and the recognition of self-respect constrain the time allocation of teachers. Teachers’ belonging of "school collective"and the emphasis on school honor prevent them from turning off administrative affairs which they call"chores". In order to reduce the burden and increase the efficiency of primary school teachers,it is necessary to adjust the role of primary school teachers.
作者 张小菊 管明悦 ZHANG Xiaoju;GUAN Mingyue(Institute of Education Science,Hubei Normal University,Huangshi,435002,China)
出处 《全球教育展望》 CSSCI 北大核心 2019年第6期97-109,共13页 Global Education
基金 全国教育科学“十三五”规划2017年度教育部青年课题“个体化视域下中学语文教科书中个人与社会之关系构建研究”(课题批准:EAA170430) 2019年湖北省高等学校优秀中青年科技创新团队计划项目“鄂东南农村教育生态系统的构建与实践”的阶段性研究成果
关键词 工作时间 工作量 小学教师 working hours workload primary school teachers teacher’s role
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