
《藻海无边》的多重叙述声音——从简·里斯手稿《奥比之夜》一诗谈起 被引量:4

Multiple Narrative Voices in Wide Sargasso Sea: A New Perspective from Jean Rhys’s “Obeach Night”
摘要 《奥比之夜》是简·里斯模仿《简·爱》中爱德华·罗切斯特的口吻写下的内心独白诗,出现于里斯的小说草稿以及与友人的书信中。此诗的发现为《藻海无边》汗牛充栋的研究提供了新的视角。本文以此诗为突破点,深入解读英国殖民者精神分裂式的内心独白,以及克里奥耳白人女孩在夹缝中左冲右突的身份危机。小说中蕴含现代主义、女性主义和后殖民思想的多重叙述声音,通过叙述转喻、平行叙事与叙述转向等叙述策略得以阐发,本文由此厘清叙述手法与身份建构的关系,揭示后殖民叙事权威的建构过程。 The poem"Obeach Night",a dramatic monologue written by Jean Rhys imitating Edward Rochester in Jane Eyre,hidden in her draft and letters to friends,can provide a new perspective and breakthrough for the researchers of Wide Sargasso Sea.This essay goes into the schizophrenic voice of a British colonizer and the identity crisis of a White Creole girl through an analysis of the poem.The multiple voices of modernist,feminist and post-colonial thoughts are expressed by metalepsis,parallel narratives and narrative transformation in the novel.Thus the essay interprets the relationship of the author's narrative methods and identity construction,shedding light on the construction of the post-colonial authority.
作者 胡敏琦 HU Minqi
出处 《国外文学》 CSSCI 北大核心 2019年第2期145-153,160,共10页 Foreign Literatures
基金 浙江省哲学社会科学规划一般课题“英美意象派视觉艺术特质研究”(项目编号:17NDJC304YB)的阶段性成果
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