
社会理论视域中的“社会性”问题——基于霍耐特承认理论的思考 被引量:3

Reconsidering "the Social" in the Perspective of Social Theory:Based on Honneth’s Theory of Recognition
摘要 在思想史上存在着两种社会理论,一种是强调个人优先的理论,人和人之间存在着普遍的斗争,为了终结这种斗争,人和人形成一种社会关系。这是一种外在的社会性。另一种是社会优先的理论,即人具有一种与他人联合起来的心理趋向。由于这种趋向,人和人结成一定的共同体。这是一种内在的社会性。这种内在社会性不仅从哲学上被揭示出来,而且从经验心理学上得到论证。这就是在儿童与母亲之间的承认斗争中产生一种爱的情感,这种爱的情感还会借助于过渡对象而扩展到整个社会领域。在这种原初的社会关系中,我们可以看到,社会性是在融合性和独立性之间实现一种平衡,社会性不否定独立性。黑格尔在早期思想中把霍布斯的理论作为其社会性理论的一个环节,即把人和人之间的斗争看作是社会性的一个环节,把生存斗争看作是承认斗争的一个环节。而在现代社会发展中出现的问题是社会性的终结。人们用生存斗争取代承认斗争,以生存斗争的模式来进行承认斗争。在社会的不同阶段、在不同的生活形式中,生存斗争与承认斗争的关系是复杂的。特定的社会、特定的斗争形式究竟是生存斗争还是承认斗争,这是经验判断的问题。马克思吸收了生存斗争的理论,但是对于他来说,这种生存斗争的结果是要建立新的社会关系,重构社会性。 In intellectual history,there are social theories of two types:One emphasizes the priority of individual.According to it,a universal fight is there between these individuals,who construct their social relation to end the fight,and this is exterior social relation;And the other highlights the priority of society:one has a psychological tendency to unite with others.Due to this disposition,people unite themselves as a community,and this is interior social relation,which has not only disclosed in philosophy,but also demonstrated in empirical psychology.This is the affection coming into being in the fight for recognition between mother and her baby.It could be extended to all the social relations by transitional object.From this primeval social relation we could see that the social is the balance achieved b etween convergence and independence.The social would not negate independence.In his early theory,Hegel treats Hobbs’ theory as one moment of his theory of the social,that is,he treats the fight between individuals as one moment of the social,and the fight for survival as a moment of fight for recognition.In different stages of social development and in different forms of social life,the relation between fight for survival and fight for recognition is complex.It could only be judged empirically whether a special form of fight in a specific society is a fight for survival or for recognition? Marx absorbs the fight for survival into his theory of recognition.For him,the result of a fight for survival is to build a new social relation and to reconstruct the social.
作者 王晓升 WANG Xiao-sheng
出处 《南京大学学报(哲学.人文科学.社会科学)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2019年第3期18-30,158,159,共15页 Journal of Nanjing University(Philosophy,Humanities and Social Sciences)
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