
循证护理在高压氧治疗小儿多动症中的应用 被引量:2

Application of Evidence-based Nursing in Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy for Children with ADHD
摘要 目的:探讨循证护理在高压氧治疗小儿多动症中的应用效果。方法:收集2017年1月-2018年5月我院90例小儿多动症患儿,随机分组,常规护理组予基础干预,循证护理组予循证护理。比较两组小儿多动症患儿家长满意率;住院的平均时间、高压氧治疗的依从性、家长对小儿疾病的了解程度、家长对护理服务质量的评价;护理前后患儿ADHDRS-IV-Parent总分、自我管理行为总分、人际交往能力总分;耳痛症状、中耳气压损伤等的发生率。结果:循证护理组小儿多动症患儿家长满意率高于常规护理组,P <0. 05;循证护理组住院的平均时间、高压氧治疗的依从性、家长对小儿疾病的了解程度、家长对护理服务质量的评价优于常规护理组,P <0. 05;护理前两组ADHDRS-IV-Parent总分、自我管理行为总分、人际交往能力总分相似,P> 0. 05;护理后循证护理组ADHDRS-IV-Parent总分、自我管理行为总分、人际交往能力总分优于常规护理组,P <0. 05。循证护理组耳痛症状、中耳气压损伤等的发生率低于常规护理组,P <0. 05。结论:循证护理在小儿多动症护理中的干预结果确切,可减少耳痛症状、中耳气压损伤等的发生率,改善患儿的临床症状和自我管理能力、执行能力,纠正其行为,提高家长的认知和对护理服务质量的认可,提高家长满意度。 Objective:To explore the application of evidence- based nursing in hyperbaric oxygen therapy for children with ADHD.Methods:Ninety children with ADHD were enrolled in our hospital from January to May2018.They were randomized divided to two groups,the general nursing group was given basic intervention,and the evidence-based nursing group was given evidence-based nursing.Compare the parental satisfaction rate of children with ADHD in children;the average time of hospitalization,compliance with hyperbaric oxygen therapy,parents' understanding of pediatric diseases,parents' evaluation of nursing service quality,and ADHDRS -Ⅳ- Parent scores for children before and after nursing The total score of self-management behavior,the total score of interpersonal communication ability;the incidence of ear pain symptoms,middle ear pressure injury,etc.Results: The parental satisfaction rate of children with ADHD in the evidence-based nursing group was higher than that of the conventional nursing group,P<0.05;the average time of hospitalization in the evidence-based nursing group,compliance with hyperbaric oxygen therapy,parents' understanding of pediatric diseases,and parental care The quality of service was better than that of the conventional nursing group,P<0.05.The total scores of ADHDRS -Ⅳ- Parent,self-management behavior,and interpersonal ability were similar before the nursing,P>0.05;the post-nursing evidence-based nursing group ADHDRS -Ⅳ- Parent total score,total score of self-management behavior,and total score of interpersonal communication ability were better than conventional nursing group, P<0.05.The incidence of ear pain symptoms and middle ear pressure injury in the evidence-based nursing group was lower than that in the conventional nursing group,P<0.05.Conclusion:The evidence- based nursing intervention in children with ADHD is accurate,which can reduce the incidence of earache symptoms,middle ear pressure injury,etc.,improve the clinical symptoms and self-management ability,executive ability,correct behavi
作者 饶萍 钟涛 RAO Ping;ZHONG Tao(Department of Sleep Medicine,People’s Hospital of GanzhouCity,Ganzhou 341000,China)
出处 《宜春学院学报》 2019年第3期81-83,102,共4页 Journal of Yichun University
关键词 循证护理 高压氧 小儿多动症 应用效果 evidence-based nursing hyperbaric oxygen pediatrichyperactivity disorder application effect
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