

Historiography of Foreign Education in China
摘要 我国外国教育史学发展的百年历程经历了萌芽起步、艰难恢复、积极发展、成就与危机并存以及近年来的积极转向这几个阶段。几代学者共同就外国教育史的基本命题进行了深入的讨论、总结与反思,包括外国教育史是什么?研究外国教育史有什么用?作为一个学术领域,外国教育史应该研究什么?怎样研究?作为一个知识门类,外国教育史应该教什么?怎样教?学者们的辛勤耕耘使外国教育史学已经有了一个健康合理的起点,但其中诸多制约外国教育史学发展的实质性问题仍需重视,包括教育史观的把握问题、教育史研究的功利主义问题、教育史研究的规范意识问题以及教育史研究的表述方式与立场视角的自觉反思问题等。 What is foreign educational history?What is the use of foreign educational history?As an academic field,what should be studied in foreign educational history,and how should it be studied?As a category of knowledge,what should foreign educational history teach?How should it be taught?These questions constitute the starting-point propositions of foreign educational history.In the process of a century of foreign educational history in China,these propositions have been repeatedly discussed by generations of scholars.They are not only related to the ontology of educational history,but also point more to a series of problems such as the purpose,meaning,attributes,and paradigm of educational history.It has mainly experienced four basic stages of development:(1)The beginning of the germination in the early 20th Century to the beginning of the reform and opening up.In China,foreign educational history grew comparatively with higher normal education.As a course,the requirements to compile textbooks and research were produced by it.Before the founding of New China,the earliest textbooks on foreign educational history in China were mainly based on the directly translated works of Japanese scholars.In 1921,An Outline of Western Educational History was generally acknowledged by the academic community as the first foreign educational general history independently written by Chinese scholars.It was compiled by Jiang Qi and led to a ″golden age″ of foreign educational general history compilation in the 1920s and 1930s. However,with the outbreak of the Anti-Japanese War,foreign educational history compilation and research immediately entered a period of low tide.After the founding of New China and before the reform and opening up,the compilation and research of foreign educational history were also disturbed to a great extent by ideology.(2)The difficult recovery in the early 1980s.After the reform and opening up in 1978,the recovery and reconstruction of foreign educational history work began.In the early 1980s,the scholars
作者 陈露茜 Chen Luxi(Faculty of Education,Beijing Normal University,Beijing 100875,China)
出处 《浙江大学学报(人文社会科学版)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2019年第2期32-43,共12页 Journal of Zhejiang University:Humanities and Social Sciences
基金 中央高校基本科研业务费专项资金资助(北京师范大学青年教师基金资助)项目"‘社会效率’观与美国公共学校改革研究"
关键词 外国教育史 外国教育史学 学术史 history of foreign education historiography of foreign education academic history
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