
突破,抑或迷思?——儒学“内在超越说”的跨文化考察与批判重构 被引量:4

Breakthrough, or Myth?——A Cross-cultural Investigation and Critical Reconstruction on New Confucian's Theory of “Immanent Transcendence”
摘要 儒学"内在超越说"是现代新儒家在中西比较视域中的跨文化理论重构。然而,上个世纪九十年代以来,它不断受到来自新实用主义和分析哲学阵营的质疑。安乐哲、冯耀明、郑家栋等学者通过剖析"immanence(内在)"与"transcendence(超越)"在学理层面的相互悖反性,阐明"内在超越说"的不可证立性质。相较于"超越性",他们更为强调儒学的"内在性",认为"超越性"话语过时而"毫无生气"。尽管"内在超越说"所实际指涉的"万物一体"、"仁体"观念是传统儒学境界论意义上的真实存在,但当代质疑者所共处的"现代性"境遇(知识型)使得他们无法弥合"存有"与"价值"的裂隙,而更倾向于解构"内在超越说"的有效性。在"内在超越说"已经被问题化的前提下,借鉴"批判哲学"的思路,充分挖掘并发挥"内在超越说"的文化批判潜能,是这一学说打破单一的宗教性/精神性理解模式,实现哲学重构的可能路径。儒学"内在超越说"是一个文化"混血"的哲学命题,这标示着包括儒学在内的中国古典哲学/伦理学的当代诠释已成为一项"跨文化"的事业。在经典诠释过程中,如何经由批判性的现代重构,超越那种相互绝缘的对比研究模式,走向一种真正有"孕育力"的跨文化立场,从而使中、外文化比较研究不再停留于一种死板僵化的、避免"受孕"的、各居其位的静态分析中,仍需细细思量。 The theory of " Immanent transcendence" is a modem reconstruction of new Confucianism in the crossculturally comparative perspective. However, it has been challenged from the new pragmatism and analytic philosophy camp since the 1990s. Roger T. Ames, Fung Yiu-ming, Zheng Jiadong and other scholars clarified the unprovable nature of u immanent transcendencen by analyzing the incompatibility of u immanencen and u transcendencen at the academic level. Compared with "transcendence", they prefer the u immanencen ( or inwardness, internalization) of Confucianism and believe that the u transcendencen discourse is outdated and"inanimate.” Although the concept of "integration of all things"(万物一体)and"Ren-ti"(仁体)actually referred to by " immanent transcendence" is the real existence in the sense of traditional Confucianism realm theory (境界论),the modernity situation or the knowledge type (l'episteme) of modernity in which contemporary skeptics coexist makes them unable to bridge the gap between "existence" and "value,” and meanwhile more inclined to deconstruct the validity of "immanent transcendence."Although in such a problematized context, the theory of "immanent transcendence"could make reference to the ideas of Critical Philosophy, and therefore its rich potential of cultural criticism could be realized. This is a possible approach to break the only religious/spiritual mode of understanding, and achieve its rebirth with philosophical reconstruction. The "immanent transcendence" in Confucianism is a philosophical proposition of a cultural "hybrid,” which indicates that the contemporary interpretation of Chinese classical philosophy has been a cross-cultural work. Today, how to overcome the contrasting research mode of mutual insulation through critical modern reconstruction, and move towards a cross-cultural position that truly has more fertility so that the Chinese and foreign cultures could avoid from staying infertile and isolated statically with each other, deserve further reflection.
作者 韩振华 Han Zhenhua(School of Chinese Language and Literature, Beijing Foreign Studies University, Beijing 100089, China)
出处 《复旦学报(社会科学版)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2019年第2期26-34,共9页 Fudan Journal(Social Sciences)
基金 北京市社会科学基金一般项目"1990年以来西方儒学研究的新进展及理论回应"(项目批准号:16ZXB006) 国家社科基金一般项目"船山学的跨文化发展与当代建构研究"(项目批准号:17BZX049)的阶段性研究成果 中央高校基本科研业务费专项资金资助(项目批准号:2016JT001 2016QZ004)
关键词 内在超越 内向超越 儒学 批判哲学 重构 immanent transcendence inward transcendence Confucianism critical philosophy reconstruction
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