
南苏丹国家治理的历史考察 被引量:1

A Historical Review on State Governance of South Sudan
摘要 在南苏丹1839年以来的国家建构和治理进程中,埃及、英国和美国先后成为具有重大影响的外部因素。埃及打开了南苏丹通往世界的大门,但其以掠夺为主要诉求的征服式治理给苏丹的南北交往留下了深刻仇恨和痛苦记忆,极大制约了苏丹政府对南方问题的处理,最终导致苏丹南北分立。英国反对苏丹国内的奴隶贸易,在南苏丹传播基督教,其对南苏丹的间接统治和南北分治本质上是具体治理政策和南苏丹复杂国情逐步磨合的结果,有可行性也有局限性。美国因素是推动南苏丹建国的重要外因,其介入受国内宗教和人权组织的强力推动,但在具体的参与过程中也显露出各种局限性。独立后的南苏丹需要汲取埃及和英国当年治理南苏丹的经验和教训,有效推动国家建构和社会治理进程。 In South Sudan’s national growth and state-building construction,Egypt,Britain and U. S. have become the external factors with significant impact since 1839. Egypt had opened the door to the world from South Sudan to the world,but its governance which aimed at predatory conquest brought a deep hatred and painful memories on the relationship between south and north Sudan,which greatly restricted Sudan governance of handling of the South affairs,eventually leading to the separation of north and south Sudan. There is the feasibility and limitations of British specific governance policies in south Sudan which was the adjustment between reality and the specific policies gradually,including anti-slave trading strongly,spreading Christianity peacefully,the Indirect Rule and Closed Districts. The U. S. factors are the important external causes of the South Sudan’s establishment and its involvement in Sudan’s affairs was promoted strongly by its domestic religious and human rights organizations,but its specific participation process revealed a variety of limitations. Independent South Sudan has to assimilate the experience and lessons from Egypt and British’s governance of the south Sudan in order to promote the process of national construction and social governance effectively.
作者 王猛 Wang Meng
出处 《中东研究》 2018年第2期13-34,216,217,共24页 Middle East Studies
基金 “国别和区域研究专项资金资助” 国家社科基金一般项目“苏丹国家治理现代化的历史考察”(15BSS013) 陕西省社会科学基金项目“丝绸之路经济带之能源合作研究”(13SC013) 陕西省教育厅重点研究基地项目“一带一路框架下的中国能源战略研究”(17JZ070)、“新世纪中国参与中东事务研究”(2010JZ36)的中期成果
关键词 南苏丹 国家治理 埃及 英国 美国 South Sudan State Governance Egypt British U.S.
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