

Film Class will Give Birth to A New Era of Human Curriculum
摘要 电影课是将经过严格筛选的电影引入课堂,在充分尊重学生主体地位的基础上,通过学科教学、电影观摩与行动实践相结合的方式组织教学,对学生开展以人格精神塑造、知行合一培养、生命文化感知等为主要内容,最终实现书本课程、行动课程、电影课程交相辉映的人类课程教育新模式。1994年中国开始将电影引入课堂,经过多年的实验实证,电影课取得了丰富的理论和实践成果,得到了中国政府部门的高度重视和国内外业界人士的广泛支持。电影课实施主要包括:让学生每周观看整部好电影,将学科学习与相关电影一一对应,实现书本课程、行动课程、电影课程相交融。目前电影课发展的最大瓶颈是电影版权问题,要成立国际版权研究促进组织、电影课国际版权同盟等专门机构,承担界定和管理"学校版权"、协调电影课版权相关公共事务等工作,同时凝聚关心支持电影课的组织及个人力量,不断争取政府部门的政策支持,推动中国电影课事业行稳致远,在世界上定格更美的"中国影像"、传播更多的"中国声音"。 The film class introduces the strictly selected film into the classroom, and organizes the teaching by subject teaching, film watching, and practice based on fully respecting the subjective status of the students, thereby carrying out the shaping of the personality and spirits, and combination of the knowledge and practice of the students, and awareness of life and culture, and finally forming a new human curriculum educating model integrated with textbook teaching, practice educating, and film class. In 1994, China began to introduce films into the classroom. After years of experimental demonstrations, the film class has achieved rich theoretical and practical results, and has received great attention from the Chinese government departments and extensive support from industry professionals at home and abroad. The implementation of the film class mainly includes: letting the students watch the whole good movie every week, and correspondingly matching the subject learning with the related movies to realize the integration of the book course, the action course and the film course. At present, the biggest bottleneck in the development of film class is the issue of film copyright. It is necessary to set up a special organization such as the International Copyright Research Promotion Organization and the International Copyright League of Film Festival to undertake the defining and managing the "school copyright"and coordinating the copyright affairs related to film subjects. At the same time, organizations and individuals who care about the film class shall be well organized to keep striving for the governmental policy support to promote its development, thereby freezing more beautiful "Chinese images" and spread more "Chinese voices" in the world.
作者 刘雍潜 雷祯孝 张光富 雷霆 任涌 Liu Yongqian;Lei Zhenxiao;Zhang Guangfu;Lei Ting;Ren Yong
出处 《决策与信息》 2019年第2期61-72,共12页 Decision & Information
关键词 电影课 课程改革 行动课程 生命文化 课程融合 电影版权 Film Class Curriculum Reform Practice Course Life Culture Curriculum Integration Film Copyright
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  • 1王珠珠主编..电影课实验在中国[M].北京:高等教育出版社,2003:343.
  • 2李其荣编著..爱迪生传[M].武汉:湖北辞书出版社,1996:374.
  • 3鲁迅著..南腔北调集[M].北京:人民文学出版社,1973:187.








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