
从检验学角度探讨人体皮肤菌群 被引量:3

Exploring Human Skin Flora from the Perspective of Testing
摘要 皮肤是一个复杂的微生态系统,正常情况下,细菌群落的种类和数量存在动态平衡,菌群之间的相互抑制及促进作用维持着皮肤的正常状态。受内外界因素的影响,皮肤屏障功能受到破坏,表现为炎症、感染等皮肤问题时,会导致皮肤正常菌群的失调、多样性改变和致病菌的生长繁殖。本文介绍几种获得皮肤菌群的检测手段,探讨皮肤菌群之间的作用机制及影响菌群分布的影响因素,对常见皮肤问题(湿疹、痤疮)中皮肤菌群的变化进行综述。从多个方面了解皮肤菌群以及微生物在健康人及皮肤疾病中的重要组成及地位,利用皮肤常驻菌与致病菌之间的相互关系及作用机理抑制致病菌的生长,从而为微生态治疗提供依据及用药指导。 The skin is a complex micro-ecological system.Under normal circumstances,there is a dynamic balance between the types and numbers of bacterial communities,and the mutual inhibition and promotion between the bacteria maintains the normal state of the skin.Under the influence of internal and external factors,the skin barrier function is destroyed,which is manifested as skin problems such as inflammation and infection,which may lead to the imbalance of the normal flora of the skin,the change of diversity and the growth and reproduction of pathogenic bacteria.This paper introduces several methods for obtaining skin flora,discusses the mechanism of action between skin flora and the influencing factors affecting the distribution of bacteria,and reviews the changes of skin flora in common skin problems(eczema,acne).Understand the important composition and status of skin flora and microorganisms in healthy people and skin diseases from various aspects,and use the mutual relationship between skin resident bacteria and pathogenic bacteria to inhibit the growth of pathogenic bacteria,thus Ecological treatment provides the basis and medication guidance.
作者 丽敏 宋佳春 王虎明 LI Min;SONG Jia-chun;WANG Hu-ming(Department of Clinical Laboratory,Baotou Cancer Hospital,Baotou 014030,Inner Mongolia,China;Department of Clinical Laboratory,the Fourth Hospital of Baotou,Baotou 014030,Inner Mongolia,China)
出处 《医学信息》 2019年第1期53-55,共3页 Journal of Medical Information
关键词 皮肤细菌 检测方法 菌群平衡 微生态治疗 Skin bacteria Detection method Flora balance Microecological treatment
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