
民国时期鄂尔多斯地区音乐地理研究 被引量:2

A Research on Musical Geography in Ordos Area in the Period of the Republic of China
摘要 鄂尔多斯地区位于今内蒙古河套地区及陕西省长城以北地区。清代中期以前,该地为蒙古鄂尔多斯部游牧区域。自乾隆时期始,大量山陕汉族贫民越过长城进入鄂尔多斯地区垦殖土地、经营贸易。蒙古族与汉族共同居住在这一地区,其文化相互影响,彼此交融,使当地文化景观发生重大变迁。文章依据民国时期的调查资料,在复原该时期鄂尔多斯民间音乐景观的基础上,发现该区域由单一的蒙古族民间音乐为主转变为蒙、汉民间音乐共存。与此同时,因蒙、汉地域分布的差异,使得鄂尔多斯地区音乐景观呈现出明显的地域差异:区域中部以蒙古族音乐为主,而北、东、南部边缘以山陕汉族民间音乐为主的地理分布格局。民国时期鄂尔多斯民间音乐地理分布格局的形成,与这一时期鄂尔多斯地区的自然条件、人口迁移和生产方式的转变都有着极为密切的关系。 Ordos area locates in the Hetao Area of Inner Mongolia and the northern area of the Great Wall in Shaanxi province. Before the middle of the Qing dynasty,this area was a nomadic region of Mongolian Ordos tribe. Since the period of Qianlong emperor,a great number of poor Han people,who were from Shanxi and Shaanxi provinces,had crossed the Great Wall into Ordos area to reclaim the land and trade. Since Mongolian and Han people lived together in this area,their cultures interacted with each other,which led to a huge transition of cultural landscape in this area. According to the investigation of the materials in the period of Republic of China,this article reproduces the Ordos folk soundscape in this period. The paper finds out that the music in this area was changed from Mongolian folk music to the coexistence of Mongolian and Han people folk music. Meanwhile,due to the differences of population distribution of Mongolian and Han people in this area,the main characteristic of the soundscape in Ordos are regional differentiated. The central part of this area is dominated by Mongolian music,while,the folk music of Han people dominates the edge parts of the northern,eastern and southern Ordos area. The distribution of musical geography in Ordos area is formed in the period of the Republic of China,which is closely related to the natural environment,population migration and the transformation of production mode in this area.
作者 张晓虹 薛九英 Zhang Xiaohong;Xue Jiuying(the Center for Historical Geographical Studies of Fudan University,Shanghai,200433;Director of the Key Kesearch Base of Humanities and Social Sciences of the Ministrvr of Education the Center for Historical Geographical Studies of Fudan University,Shanghai,200433;Art Education College,Xi'an Academy of Fine Arts,Xi'an,Shaanxi,710061;Research Association of North Shaanxi Folk Song,Xi'an,Shaanxi,710061;Developmental Foundation of North Shaanxi Folk Song,Xi'an,Shaanxi,710061)
出处 《民族艺术研究》 2018年第6期15-30,共16页 Ethnic Art Studies
关键词 音乐地理研究 鄂尔多斯地区 音乐景观 民国时期 musical geographical studies Ordos area musicscape the period of the Republic of China
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