目的探讨产前实验室筛查报告单的规范化及合理解释对防治出生缺陷的重要意义。方法将产前实验室筛查报告单的规范化,将进行过产前实验室筛查后接受产前咨询并随访至妊娠结局的400例孕妇,根据产前咨询人员的不同分为普通组和专业组,每组200例。普通组的孕妇,接受普通妇产科大夫对筛查结果的解释咨询,专业组的孕妇,接受专业生殖遗传咨询师对筛查报告单的解释咨询。对参加产前筛查的所有孕妇进行调查追踪随访。结果 2组孕妇在获得产前筛查报告咨询后,普通组的孕妇的焦虑情况、对医务群体产生不信任情况、盲目引产的例数及不良妊娠结局引发医疗纠纷隐患情况均高于专业组(P <0. 05)。普通组的孕妇接受产前诊断率低于专业组(P <0. 05)。结论产前实验室筛查报告单的规范化及合理解释对防治出生缺陷工作的有着极其重要的意义。
Objective To investigate the important significance of standardization and reasonable explanation of prenatal screening laboratory report form in prevention and treatment of birth defects of neonates.Methods According to different prenatal counseling personnels,a total of 400 pregnant women who received prenatal laboratory screening in our hospital and were followed up until pregnancy outcome were divided into common group(n=200)and profession group(n=200).The pregnant women in common group received the explanation and counseling for the screening results by common doctors in department of gynaecology and obstetrics,however,the pregnant women in profession group received the explanation and counseling for the screening results by professional reproductive genetic counselor,moreover,all the pregnant women who participated in prenatal screening were investigated and followed up.Results After the pregnant women in both groups received prenatal screening report consultation,the anxiety status,mistrust situation for medical groups,the number of cases of blindness induced labor and medical dispute hidden dangers situation caused by adverse pregnancy outcomes in common group were significantly higher than those in profession group(P<0.05),moreover,the pregnant women in common group had lower prenatal diagnosis rate than the pregnant women in profession group had(P<0.05).Conclusion The standardization and reasonable explanation of prenatal laboratory screening report form is of great significance for the prevention and treatment of birth defects of neonates.
WANG Zhan;QIAO Xiuzhen;LI Wenxiang(Department of Clinical Laboratory,The Second People’s Hospital of Hengshui City,Hebei,Hengshui 053000,China)
Hebei Medical Journal
prenatal laboratory screening
screening report form
reasonable explanation