建立了固相萃取-气相色谱-质谱法(GC-MS)同时测定饮用水中百菌清和溴氰菊酯的方法。样品中的百菌清和溴氰菊酯采用固相萃取技术分离,经有机溶剂进行洗脱提取,干燥浓缩后,用GC-MS测定,外标法定量。对洗脱溶剂和洗脱溶剂体积等条件进行优化研究。结果表明:用正己烷作为该方法的洗脱溶剂,且当洗脱体积为12m L时,二者的分离效果好,呈好的线性关系,相关系数均>0.995,回收率在94.2%~105.2%,相对标准偏差在3.7%~5.1%,百菌清检出限为0.094μg/L,溴氰菊酯检出限为0.911μg/L。该方法简便、准确、灵敏度高,满足生活饮用水中百菌清和溴氰菊酯的测定要求。
A method was developed for the determination of chlorothalonil and deltamenthrin in drinking water u-sing solid phase extraction and GC-MS.Solid-phase extraction separation method ofdrug samples for pesticide residue were used.Then the sample were dried and concentrated and tested by GC-MS.In this study,separation parameters were optimized including the elution volume and elution solvent.The results were presented as follows:the method was suitfible for the determination ofchlorothalonil and deltamenthrin using the hexane as elution solvent in drinking water.It had good separation effect when elution volume was 10ml and the calibration curves showed good linear relationship.The correlation coefficients were all higher than 0.995.Samples extracted with hexane showed the highest recovery.The recoveries of 2 compounds were in range of 94.2%-105.2%and the relative standard deviations were 3.1%-5.1%.The detection limit of chlorothalonil was 0.094ug/L and the celta-menthrin was 0.911ug/L.The method had merits of simplicity,accuracy,and sensitivity,which also can meet the test requirements of chlorothalonil and deltamenthrin in drinking water.
WANG Gui-zhen;YAN Dan-zhen(Environmental Monitoring and Emergency Center for the Central Line Project of South-to-North Water Diversion,Nanyang Henan 473000,China)
Environmental Science Survey