GB/T 18386—2005《电动汽车能量消耗率和续驶里程试验方法》由于技术内容较为陈旧,已不能适应当前纯电动汽车技术发展的需要。主要介绍了新修订的GB/T 18386—2017《电动汽车能量消耗率和续驶里程试验方法》的内容,分析了试验方法变化对纯电动汽车能量消耗率和续驶里程试验结果可能带来的影响;结合国家财政补贴政策,分析了试验结果对纯电动汽车补贴的影响。结果表明,新标准将引起大部分纯电动汽车续驶里程试验结果减小,不再满足补贴要求,标准也存在不尽合理之处。
GB/T 18386-2005"Electric Vehicles-Energy Consumption and Range-Test Procedures"is not suit to the demands for current battery electric vehicle development due to old technology contents.This paper mainly introduces the revised content of GB/T 18386-2017"Electric Vehicles-Energy Consumption and Range-Test Procedures",analyzes the possible influence of the test method change on the energy consumption and range test results of the battery electric vehicle(BEV),combined with the national financial subsidy policy for new energy vehicles,analyzes the effect of the test results on subsidies for BEV.The results show that the new standard will reduce the range test results of the most BEV,and no longer meet the subsidy requirements,at the same time there is also irrationality in the standard.
Automotive Engineer