With the implementation of the“Belt and Road”strategy,ODI projects of Chinese enterprises will have a brand new“spreading”.Good regulation system of investment will be an important guide and guarantee for the outward investment of Chinese enterprises.Taking into account the important role of investment regulations,this paper reviewed the status quo of ODI regulations of the“Belt and Road”from two aspects as the first-level indicators:investment management and investment promotion.As the second-level indicators,various types of management and promotion measures such as investment approval,foreign exchange management and financial support,social and environmental regulation,asset management,tax incentives,information intelligence services,investment insurance,bilateral investment agreements,multilateral investment treaties were put forward.Then the second-level indicators were refined to select the third-level indicators.Based on these this paper put forward the regulatory evaluation index system.The“Belt and Road”ODI regulation system was considered as a gray system,and the entropy weight method was chosen to calculate the weight of each indicator.Then this paper put forward the Entropy Weight Grey Relation Projection Model(EWGRP Model)to measure the performance of the ODI regulations.Perspective changing from the macro into the micro,with the“Two Stage Theory”,this paper explained the background of Chinese firms decisions of investing in the“Belt and Road”countries,discussed three basic factors of“two markets,two stages and two states”.Best possible decision models of how to select the right path,time and scale for investment were established according to the path,the timing and the scale of investment.The conclusions of this paper are:a)China has established a general ODI regulation,but the ODI regulatory framework for the“Belt and Road”still needed improvement;b)the Chinese firms investing in the“Belt and Road”countries need to consider not only the advantages and their good
LIU Zhi-peng;WU Bin(Institutes of Science and Development,Chinese Academy of Sciences,Beijing,100190,China;University of Chinese Academy of Sciences,Beijing,100049,China;School of Business,Shandong Jianzhu University,Jinan,Shandong,250101,China)
Business and Management Journal ( BMJ )