In the task of mechanical vibration testing,a set of vibration data is obtained by workers in a specific task,specific working condition and specific location.For the whole storage of vibration data,it is necessary to store data files and the related descriptive information of data files.XML is a markup language standard released by the W3C organization with various features such as good expansibility,strong structure,good interactivity,rich semantics,content-based data markup.It can be formatted and easy to handle as well as platform-independent.Through the analysis on the vibration data structure,the paper proposes the vibration data structure and designs the XML-based vibration data schema.In the future,vibration data stored in different places can be effectively organized through XML files.The XML schema designed in this paper can be applied to complete the data structure and verify the vibration data files.
WANG Fuhai;LI Weifeng(Troops 91388 of PLA,Zhanjiang 524022,China)
Software Engineering