Z3 9.5 0是实现跨异构平台 ,进行信息共享的标准检索协议 ;XML是 Web网上数据表示和数据交换的新标准 ,以 XML作为实现 Z3 9.5 0协议的数据描述语言和转换工具 ,构建异构数据源集成的中间层结构 ,不仅扩展 Z3 9.5 0协议的应用领域 ,而且会大大简化资源集成的实现 ,两者的有效结合给网络信息获取带来新的契机和拓展。
Z39.50 refers to the international standard of data retrieval between the heterogeneous systems for the implementation of information sharing. XML is a growing standard playing an important role in data exchange and representation on the Web. Based on XML data definition and transformation as a method of implementation of the Z39.50, the combination between the both, by forming the middle-layer construction of the integration of heterogeneous resources, not only much simplifies the integration of the heterogeneous resource, but also expands the application domain of the Z39.50 and meanwhile brings the information accession the new development opportunities.
New Technology of Library and Information Service