The Third Plenary Session of the Eighteenth Central Committee of the Party made the Decisionof the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China on Deepening the Reform of Several Major Issues,and put forward the strategic goal of modernization of national governance system and governance capability.And to achieve the grand strategic goal, we must do a good job of grassroots governance, because in the wholestate governance system, grass-roots governance is not only an important part of national governance, but alsohas a basic status and function. As we know,'if the foundation is not solid, the building shakes', theimportance of grass-roots governance speaks for itself. With the rapid transformation and transition of oursociety at present, grassroots governance is playing a key role not only at the policy level but also in the path ofdemocratic development and national construction. Since the reform and opening up, China's grass-roots socialdevelopment has gradually become institutionalized and governed by law; therefore, grass-roots governancepractice has also achieved remarkable feats and progress. However, the various contradictions and problemscaused by the social transformation of economy and society continue to accumulate; and a variety of conflicts ofinterest caused by diversification of interest bodies and interest demands continue to show; what's more, theexisting grass-roots governance system and methods still can't adapt well with the changes, as the result thecurrent grass-roots governance practice is facing a series of new problems and challenges. So, how to furtherreform and innovate the original governance structure and methods so as to effectively enhance the grass-rootssocial governance and adaptability not only matter to the stability and development of grass-roots society, butalso matter to the overall national governance practice, and also matter to the ultimate achievement of themodern strategic goal of national governance system and capability.In order to solve these problems and challeng
Henan Social Sciences