
优势主导——多元共治模式下社区治理体制创新 被引量:5

On the Innovation of Governance System in the Region under the Dominant Diversified
摘要 党的十八届三中全会做出了《中共中央关于全面深化改革若干重大问题的决定》,提出了国家治理体系与治理能力现代化的战略目标。而要实现宏伟战略目标,就必须抓好基层治理这一基础工程建设。在整个国家治理体系结构中,基层治理是国家治理的重要组成部分,具有基础性地位和功能,正所谓"基础不牢、地动山摇",其重要性不言而喻。伴随当前我国社会的急剧转型与变迁,基层治理不仅在政策层面,而且在民主发展道路、国家建构等方面日益发挥着关键作用。改革开放以来,我国基层社会发展逐步走上制度化、法治化的轨道,基层治理实践也取得了显著的进展与成效。但是,由于社会转型期经济社会发展本身所诱发的各种矛盾和问题不断累积,改革进程中利益主体多元化、利益诉求多样化所导致的各种利益冲突不断显现,而既有的基层治理体系与治理方式还存在着诸多的不适应,从而使当前的基层治理实践面临一系列新的问题与挑战。那么,如何进一步改革和创新原有的治理结构与治理方式,有效提升基层社会的治理及适应能力,这不仅关系到基层社会的稳定与发展,而且关系到整个国家治理实践的整体格局,关系到国家治理体系与治理能力现代化战略目标能否最终实现。为了及时应对当前我国基层治理实践中出现的这些问题与挑战,我们组织了以下一组文章,由几位长期从事基层治理研究的学者分别从不同的视角,对农村"空心化"背景下的村庄治理、新型城镇化视角下的社会治理以及企业主导下的社区多元治理等问题进行了专题研究和探讨。希望对当前基层治理中这些热点问题的讨论,能够引起学界的广泛关注和进一步研究,进而把这一讨论引向深入。 The Third Plenary Session of the Eighteenth Central Committee of the Party made the Decisionof the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China on Deepening the Reform of Several Major Issues,and put forward the strategic goal of modernization of national governance system and governance capability.And to achieve the grand strategic goal, we must do a good job of grassroots governance, because in the wholestate governance system, grass-roots governance is not only an important part of national governance, but alsohas a basic status and function. As we know,'if the foundation is not solid, the building shakes', theimportance of grass-roots governance speaks for itself. With the rapid transformation and transition of oursociety at present, grassroots governance is playing a key role not only at the policy level but also in the path ofdemocratic development and national construction. Since the reform and opening up, China's grass-roots socialdevelopment has gradually become institutionalized and governed by law; therefore, grass-roots governancepractice has also achieved remarkable feats and progress. However, the various contradictions and problemscaused by the social transformation of economy and society continue to accumulate; and a variety of conflicts ofinterest caused by diversification of interest bodies and interest demands continue to show; what's more, theexisting grass-roots governance system and methods still can't adapt well with the changes, as the result thecurrent grass-roots governance practice is facing a series of new problems and challenges. So, how to furtherreform and innovate the original governance structure and methods so as to effectively enhance the grass-rootssocial governance and adaptability not only matter to the stability and development of grass-roots society, butalso matter to the overall national governance practice, and also matter to the ultimate achievement of themodern strategic goal of national governance system and capability.In order to solve these problems and challeng
作者 卢福营 熊兢
出处 《河南社会科学》 CSSCI 北大核心 2017年第9期13-19,共7页 Henan Social Sciences
基金 国家社会科学基金重点项目(16AZZ010)
关键词 社区治理 体制创新 多元共治 多元治理 中国政府 有效实现形式 外来民工 社会转型 Grassroots Governance New Urbanization Governance System Modernization of Governance Capacity
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