
1526~1530年我国群聚性灾害的地理特征与气候背景分析 被引量:2

Geographic Features and Climatic Background Analysis of Clustering Disasters in China during 1526~1530
摘要 近年来从地理学视角的历史灾害研究重点关注空间分布、时间序列及个案复原,相对而言个案复原亟需加强。本文针对1526~1530年间我国重大的旱、蝗、涝等群聚性灾害,以旱灾、蝗灾为主线,复原灾异的时空演化过程及其相互关联,探讨其社会影响,揭示其气候背景。结果表明:1)三大灾害所波及的县次随着时间都有所波动,差别在于蝗灾呈现单峰倒勺特征与"缓升速降"的演变态势,峰值年份为1529年;旱灾呈现双峰台阶特征,峰值年份为1528年;而涝灾呈现三峰轻微波动特征,无极端峰值年份;2)旱灾广泛分布于我国东部地区,且南北分异明显,南方主要位于长江流域,北方主要位于黄淮海流域,河北、河南受灾最重;蝗灾的发生区域相对集中,核心区域位于华北地区,河南、河北、山东受灾最重;涝灾分布则相对分散,以长江中下游为主;3)就灾异的时空联系而言,饥荒、瘟疫与三大灾害存在一定的空间关联性与时间承继性,蝗灾与旱灾具有极大的空间关联性与时间承继性;4)蝗蝻分布区与蝗灾发生区可以良好指示蝗灾的源地与扩散区,且分布与水系格局有关,蝗虫的迁移方向以北方路径为主,且表现出距离衰减特征,存在北部边界,这可能与同期华北地区盛行风向及蝗虫自身喜干恶湿的特性有关;5)三大灾害群聚性地发生于1525厄尔尼诺年的次年与1531厄尔尼诺年的前年,气候背景冷期内相对温暖。 In recent years,historical disasters study focuses on the spatial distribution,time series and case recovery from the perspective of geography,relatively speaking,case recovery needs to be strengthened.According to historical records of drought,locust plague,flood and other disasters during1526-1530in China,with drought and locust plague as the main line,this paper aims to restore its spatial and temporal evolution process and correlation,to explore the social impacts and reveal the climatic background.The results show that:1)The counties affected by this three disasters fluctuated over time,the difference was that locust plague presented a feature of“single peak like a spoon upside down”characteristics and“slowly rise and sharply decline”evolution trend,the disaster reached a peak in1529;drought showed a feature of double peak like stairs,and reached a peak in1528;however,flood took on a feature of slight fluctuation and without extreme peak every year.2)Drought was widely distributed in the eastern part of China,and the north-south differentiation was obvious,the south area was mainly located in the Yangtze River basin,while the north area was located in the Huang-Huai-Hai River basin,Henan,Hebei were the hardest hit.Locust plague distribution was relatively concentrated,and the core area was located in Northern China,where Henan,Hebei and Shandong were the worst-hit areas.Flood distribution was relatively dispersed,mainly in the middle-lower Yangtze River;3)In terms of the disaster temporal and spatial relation,famine,plague and three disaster existed spatial correlation and time continuity,locusts and drought had the great connection.4)The nymph grasshopper distribution area and the locust plague area indicated the source and diffusion zone of the locust disaster was related to drainage pattern,locust migration direction was mainly toward north,with the distance attenuation,northern limit line existed for locusts,which could be related to the prevailing wind direction of North China at that time and t
作者 王会娟 李钢 孔冬艳 汪宇欣 WANG Hui-juan;LI Gang;KONG Dong-yan;WANG Yu-xin(College of Urban and Environmental Sciences/Northwest University, Xi’an 710127, China)
出处 《山东农业大学学报(自然科学版)》 CSCD 2017年第3期405-413,共9页 Journal of Shandong Agricultural University:Natural Science Edition
基金 国家自然科学青年基金项目:我国东部季风区历史蝗灾时空演变过程及气候适应机理(41201190) 教育部人文社会科学研究青年基金项目:气候变化背景下东部季风区历史灾害群发期蝗灾动态与社会发展研究(10YJCZH069) 西北大学"仲英青年学者"支持计划(2016)
关键词 群聚性灾害 蝗灾 地理特征 气候背景 Clustering disasters locust plague geographic feature climatic background
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