
基于Wi-Fi的无线控制网络TDMA协议的设计 被引量:3

Design of TDMA protocol in wireless control network
摘要 为解决多种网络协议共存的混合无线网络环境中,控制信息高速、实时、可靠传输的问题,在IEEE802.11协议MAC层基础上开发了TDMA协议。该协议在充分利用Wi-Fi高传输速率的同时,解决了Wi-Fi退避重传机制导致传输时延不确定的问题,增强系统的实时性。实验结果表明,协议在保证95%以上的传输可靠性的同时,传输速率可达5 Mb/s,相较于典型的基于IEEE 802.15.4协议的工业控制网络有大幅提高。TDMA系统中的短帧中有95.4%、长帧中有89.87%可以在2 ms以内的发送完成,传输时延远低于原有的Wi-Fi标准。此外,系统不改变上层协议栈,保持接口的兼容性,便于控制应用程序的开发。 To meet the high-rate,real-time and reliable transmission of control information in hybrid wireless network,TDMA protocol is developed on the MAC layer of IEEE802.11protocol.This solution not only exploits the high-rate of Wi-Fi,but also overcomes the transmission delay uncertainty and enhances the real-time of system.The experimental results show that the transmission rate can achieve up to5Mb/s with95%transmission reliability,which improves a lot when compared to the existing wireless industrial control network that is based on IEEE802.15.4protocol.Additionally,about95%of the short frame and89.87%of the long frame can be delivered to the other side within two milliseconds,which is also far below the Wi-Fi standard.What’s more,the new protocol doesn’t change the upper level protocol interfaces,which contributes to the development of control applications.
作者 沈磊 杨剑锋 徐俊 郭成城 SHEN Lei;YANG Jianfeng;XU Jun;GUO Chengcheng(School of Electronic and Information, Wuhan University, Wuhan 430072, China)
出处 《计算机工程与应用》 CSCD 北大核心 2017年第11期142-145,205,共5页 Computer Engineering and Applications
关键词 高速率 实时性 无线控制网络 802.11协议 时分复用 high-rate real-time wireless control network IEEE802.11 Time Division Multiple Access(TDMA)
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