目的 分析江西省1995~2001年性病艾滋病流行动态特征,为江西省性病控制策略提供依据。方法 对江西省1995~2001年11个设区的市性病年报资料及人口数据用性病疫情软件及EPI info软件进行统计分析。结果 1995~2001年江西省共报告8种性病91101例,年平均报告发病率为31.45/10万;淋病在全部性病中所占构成比逐年降低,其它病种的构成比均呈上升趋势;性病男女性别之比为1.22:1,≥50岁人群性病发病增长迅速。结论 江西省非淋菌性尿道炎构成比逐年增长,2001年首次超过尖锐湿疣和淋病居第1位,性病流行谱在发生改变,提示防治措施和资源分配应作相应调整。生殖器疱疹、尖锐湿疣等病毒性性病也有发展和蔓延趋势。
Objective To analyze trends and epidemiolobical characteristics of STD in Jiangxi Province from 1995 to 2001 and provide evidence for STD prevention and control. Methods STD case - reporting data collected from 11 cities and population data of Jiangxi province from 1995 to 2001 were analyzed with the special softwares of the National STD Database Management System and Epi - Info. Results From 1995 to 2001,91101 cases with eight types of STDs were reported in Jiangxi Province, and the reported average incidence rate was 31.45 per 100000 population. The proportion of gonorrhea cases was decreased yearly, while that of cases of other diseases was all increased.The ratio of men and women with STDs was 1.22-1.STD cases over 50 years old increased quickly. Conclusion NGU cases increased yearly in Jiangxi Province. In 2001 it exceeded CA and gonorrhea for the first time and stood the first among the eight types of STDs, reflecting a change in STD epidemic patten in Jiangxi Province and suggesting a need for readjusting control strategies and redistributing resources.GH and CA cases are developing and spreading too, and the work of prevention and treatment for STDs in Jiangxi Province is not optimistic.
Chinese Journal of Std & Aids Prevention and Control