重庆市眼蝶分布的环境分为 4个植被型 ,2 3个生境类型 ,5 5个小生境。在这样的条件下 ,记载过 87种眼蝶 ,该研究见到 73种 ,它们中有 6个优势种 (以黛眼蝶属的种类居多 ) ,30个常见种 ,2 3个少见种和 14个罕见种。它们与小生境的关系表现出下列特点 :⑴ 5 5种 (占重庆眼蝶的 75 .3% )仅分布在 1~ 8个小生境中 ;2 4种 (占重庆眼蝶的 32 .9% )仅分布在 1~ 2个小生境中 ,表明了眼蝶对微环境的敏感性。⑵每种个体数仅出现在 1个小生境中的眼蝶种类和各种眼蝶占有小生境数 ,均以森林中最多 ,表明重庆的眼蝶与森林关系最密切。⑶眼蝶的最适小生境和高数值多度出现的小生境都属于阔叶林和山坡灌丛的生境类型。⑷重庆分布的眼蝶的最适海拔高度是 5 0 0~ 10 0 0m。⑸森林植被型的小生境间相似性最低 ,相似性系数的数值较为分散 ,且变幅大 ,可见森林植被型的小生境间种类组成差异最大 。
In Chongqing, there are 4 types of vegetation, 23 types of habitats and 55 kinds of small habitats for satyrids (Satyridae). In the present study, 73 species were recorded, of which 6 are dominant, 30 are common, 23 are infrequent and 14 are rare species. The relationships between the species with satyrids show the following features: a) Fifty-five of the 73 species are distributed only in 1~8 small habitats and 24 species in 1~2 small habitats, demonstrating the sensitivity of the insect to its microhabitat; b) Individual number per species and the number of small habitats inhabited a species are highest in the forests, indicating the close relationship between satyrids and forests in Chongqing; c) The optimum small habitats for the insect are broadleaf forests and hillside bushes; d) The optimum altitude range is 500~1 000 m above the sea level; and e) Similarity among the small habitats of the type of forest vegetation is the lowest while the variation range of similarity coefficient is the greatest, showing that great differences exist in specific composition among the small habitats and the environment is highly complex.
Journal of Southwest Agricultural University
重庆市科学技术委员会基金资助项目 (渝科发计字 2 0 0 2 1 51 8)