采用人工方法制成人牙釉质浅龋及使用抗龋措施的龋损釉质样本 ,分别测量各组釉质表面显微硬度 ,并以微动摩擦磨损试验机测试其抗磨性能 .试验结果表明 :各组实验组釉质较对照组表面硬度都有不同程度下降 ,氟化钠前处理会使釉质表面硬度显著下降 .人工浅龋牙釉质的抗磨损性能不如正常釉质 。
The microhardness and wear resistance of artificial carious human enamel and artificial carious human enamel applied with two anticarious measures were tested by a sclerometer and a oscillating friction and wear test rig. As the results, artificial carious enamel exhibit a lower hardness and a weaker wear resistance compared with normal enamel. Being treated with NaF can weaken the surface of carious enamel. Moreover, the application of the two anticarious measures can't improve the wear resistance of enamel.
Analysis and Testing Technology and Instruments