目的 研制一种新的脑卒中评定量表 ,并对其性能进行初步评定。方法 (1 )采用目前国内外常用的 4种量表 (CNS、NIHSS、ESS和 MESSS)对 1 0 3例脑卒中病人进行同时评分。并将这些量表中的 43个项目的评分值分别与 BI进行等级相关及逐步回归分析 ,找出有代表性的 BI预测项目 ,通过重新赋值组成新的评定量表 ,并检验其预测效度。 (2 )选取 3 5例脑卒中病人对新量表的信度和可操作性进行检验。结果 新的评定量表 (CDSS)与 BI的相关性 (r 0 .899— 0 .91 8)高于原有 4个量表。 logistic回归分析发现 CDSS对死亡有充分预测能力 ;CDSS的观察者之间一致性与 CNS相似而优于 MESS。结论 CDSS是一种效果较好的新脑卒中评定量表 ,值得在临床和科研工作中试用和进一步验证。
ObjectiveTo design a new scale and assess its validity,reliability and simplicity.Methods 1)103 patients with acute stroke onset within 72 hours were investigated.The neurological deficit was assessed by an observer with CNS,NIHSS,ESS and MESSS.Items that can typically predict functional outcome were identified by stepwise regression and correlative analysis between BI and 43 items on the four scales.The new scale (CDSS) was composed of these items with their weight given anew.The predicitive validity of CDSS was determined by correlative and logistic regression analysis with its original data.2)The reliability and simplicity of CDSS were assessed in another group of 35 patients with acute stroke.Results Correlative analysis with their original data showed that the correlative values (r=0.899-0.918) between BI and CDSS were significantly higher than those four scales.Logistic regression showed that CDSS could predict motality sufficiently.Interobserver greement for CDSS was similar to that for CNS,but it's better than that for MESSS.The time needed to complete CDSS(5.61±0.63 minutes) was as long as that for CNS,but shorter than that for MESSS.Conclusions CDSS is a valid,reliable and simple new stroke scale.It is worthy to be used and further assessed in clinical trial.