本文作者提出界面质点标记与局部网格加密相结合的方法来跟踪汽液界面移动 ,模拟了窄缝通道内过冷流动沸腾状况下加热壁面上汽泡的生长情况 ,并采用了klausner关于汽泡脱离的判断方法 ,计算至汽泡离开核化点开始沿壁面滑移为止。数值模拟得到汽泡的生长速率d(t) =ktn+d0 ,计算发现与大通道内相同参数条件下的流动核沸腾相比 ,窄缝通道内壁面上的活化汽泡具有生长速度减慢、脱落频率加快的特点。
This paper presented a mathematical model to simulate a bubble growth on the channel wall at sub cooled flow boiling in a narrow channel.The methods of particle maker and local mesh refinement were brought forward to track the movement of the interface in the course of bubbles growth.According to the research of bubble departure made by Klausner,tares state of the bubble was analyzed to decide whether it would detach from the nucleation point.The calculation proceeded until the bubbles detaching the nucleation point and sliding along the wall.According to the investigation it is found that the empirical formula about the velocity of bubbles growth could be written as d(t)=kt n+d 0.It is also found that under the same operation condition in contrast to that in a wide channel the bubble on the wall in a narrow channel proceeds with comparatively small departure diameter and high departure frequency.
Journal of Sichuan University of Science and Technology