泥沙运动理论种类繁多 ,众说纷纭 ,这给泥沙工作者带来了诸多不便。按各学者研究泥沙运动所引起的水流强度指标 ,对泥沙运动理论的流派地行了划分 ,分为力学派、运动学派和能量学派。在理论上 ,各学派均可表示成统一的形式 ,根本区别在于各学派对于阻力系数对泥沙运动影响上认识不一致。在运用上 ,除个别问题外 ,对各学派的优劣存在较大分歧 ,特别在预测输沙强度方面 ,虽说能量学派占有一定的优势 。
There are a lot of sediment transport theories,so it is difficult for sediment researchers to determine which one is the best.According to flow intensity each research recommended,the sediment transport theories is classified to three schools,such as dynamic school,kinetic school and energy school.In the term of theory,each school can be expressed as a unified expression,and the difference of each school is in the dealing with the effect of resistance on the sediment transport.In application there are some divergence about each school.
Journal of Waterway and Harbor
江苏省教育厅自然基金资助项目(00KJB570 0 0 2 )