本文从纯化Den2 NS1,Mab入手,自制了Mab亲和层析系统,从感染Den2的细胞膜中,分离提取了天然的Den 2 NS1双体,比较其NGC株与我国地方株(H-87)NS1的理化性质及组成,并对某些重要的生物学性质进行了综合性研究。同时,利用上述研究结果建立了检测DF病人血清特异NS1抗体的新方法,探索其协助临床诊断及研究的可能性。
In this study, native dimer of Den 2 NS1 of standard NGC strain and local H-87 strain were abtained by monoclonal antibody affinity-ehromatography. Pysico-chemical and to munogenic properties of the Den 2 NS1 were characterized. In addition, preparation of the NS1 antigen strips were made and utilized for detection of serum anti-NS1 antibodies from dengue fever patients.
Supplement to the Journal of Sun Yatsen University