8Committee of European Securities Regulators (CESR)2007,CESR's Advice on the Equivalence of Chinese, Japanese and US GAAP, Ref.CESR/07-761 ,CESR. 被引量:1
1Barbara Crutchfield George & Kathleen A. Lacey, "A Comparative Analysis nl Post-3art)anes-oxley torporate t,overn- ante Developments in the US and European Union: The Impact of Tensions Created by Extraterritorial Application of Seetion 404", 53 The American Journal f Comparative lxw( 2006). 被引量:1
2Balazs Fekete, "Recent Trends in Extraterritorial Jurisdiction-The Sarbanes-Oxley Act and Its Implications on Sovereign- ly". 49 Actn Juridica Hungariea( 2008). 被引量:1
3Marianne Ojo, "The Role of the IASB and Auditing Standards in the Aftermath of the 2008/2009 Financial Crisis", 16 EurqJean Ixtw Journal(2010). 被引量:1
4Dinh Tran Ngoc Huy, "The Backbone of European Corporate Governance Standards after Financial Crisis, Corporate Scandals and Manipulation", 1 Asian Journal f Management and Business Sciences(2011). 被引量:1
5See Jamal lbrahim Haidar, "Investor protections and eeonmnic growth", 103 Eeortomics Letter, s(2009), p. 2. 被引量:1
6Klaus J. ttopt, "Modern Company and Capital Market Problems: Improving European Corporate Governance after Enron", in John Armour & Joseph A. MeCahery( ed. ), After Enron: hnproving Corporate Law and Modernising Securities Regulation in Ettrope and the US, Oxford: Hart Publishing, 2006, p. 44. 被引量:1
7See Jill E. Fisch, "Rethinking the regulation of securities intermediaries", 158 University of Pennsylvania Law Review(2010), p. 1961. 被引量:1
8See Donald C. Clark, "Nothing but Wind? The Past and Future of Comparative Corporate Governance", 59 American Journal of Compara- tive lnw(2fll 1 ), p 79. 被引量:1
9Roberta Romano, "The Sarbanes-Oxley Act and the Making of Quack Corporate Governance", 114 Yale Law Journal (2005), p. 1602. 被引量:1
10Michael W. Peregrine, "The Law Changed Corporate America", The New York Times, July 25,2012. 被引量:1