目的 :对颈椎椎间盘实施人工髓核置换术并进行生物力学评价 ,为临床应用提供理论依据。方法 :取 6具新鲜人尸体颈椎标本 (C2 ~T1 ) ,制成四种脊柱功能单位 (FSU)的试验模型 :正常颈椎 ,椎间盘髓核全切 ,人工髓核植入及椎间植骨。分别对其进行生物力学测试 ,记录不同运动状态下脊柱节段运动范围 (ROM)的改变情况。并摄片了解人工髓核植入前后脊柱试件影像学的变化。结果 :与髓核切除组比较 ,人工髓核植入或椎间植骨后 ,颈椎节段活动明显减少 (P <0 .0 1)。人工髓核植入组与椎间植骨组相比较 ,节段活动差异无显著性 (P <0 .0 5 )。动态影像学资料显示 ,人工髓核置入后 ,椎间隙高度和脊柱生理曲度都得以恢复。结论 :颈椎椎间盘人工髓核的植入能较好地恢复椎间盘的解剖结构 ,有助于脊椎生理曲线的恢复 ,从而在一定程度上增加失稳脊柱节段的稳定性。
Objective:To evaluate the biomechanical properties of artificial nucleus pulposus replacement for unstable cervical spine.Methods: C 2~T 1 of six fresh human cadaveric specimens were used to establish normal nucleotomy,artificial nucleus pulposus replacement and bone graft implantation models.Mechanical stability were determined by testing cervical vertebral range of motion(ROM) in flexion,extension,lateral bending and torsion combined with axial compressive loading.Meanwhile,the dynamic radiographys were taken and analsed in the surgical discs with and without artificial nucleus pulposus. Results: The ROM in nucleotomy group increased significantly compared with the intact segment(P <0.01).Placement of artificial nucleus pulposus or bone graft decreased the ROM of cervical spine compared with the nucleotomy group (P <0.01).The motion decrease was statistically significant.Flexion and extension films showed the fine spinal alignment were obtianed after the replacement of arfificial nucleus pulposus. Conclusions: The present results demonstrate that artificial nucleus pulposus replacement has better biomechanical properties,increase the segment stability,and restores normal lordosis of the cervical spine.
Chinese Journal of Clinical Anatomy
湖南省科委基金资助课题 (1 0 1 3 - 4 )