目的 了解初级医务人员掌握有关耐甲氧西林金黄色葡萄球菌(methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus,MRSA)知识的情况。方法 问卷及面谈。结果 仅52(31.7%)名回答曾遇到过携带或感染MRSA的患者,有43(26.2%)人能正确回答第二和第三个问题。对余下的三个问题,所有人的回答都是“否”。结论 初级医务人员MRSA知识十分欠缺,医院对医务人员应不断进行知识的强化教育和知识更新教育,对实习医务人员也应进行有关临床知识的教育,医学院在进行基础教育时,应紧密联系临床实际,不断更新授课内容。
Objective To investigate the knowledge of methicillin-resistant staphylococcus aureus (MKSA) mastered by junior medical staff. Methods To investigate through questionnaire and face-to-face talk. Results Only 52(31. 7%) subjects had met patients infected with MRSA or MR-SA carriers, 43(26.2%) answered the second and third questions correctly, and all answered no for the other three questions. Conclusion The junior medical staff investigated severely lacked the knowledge of MRSA. Hospitals should conduct continuous education among the staff and educate their student doctors and nurses for related clinical knowledge. Medical universities should update their teaching components and programs accordingly.
Nursing Journal of Chinese People's Liberation Army