20世纪 8 0年代以来 ,西方企业尤其是跨国公司面对日趋激烈的外部竞争环境 ,开始对企业竞争关系进行战略性的调整 ,即从对立竞争转向大规模的合作竞争。其中合作竞争最主要的形式之一就是建立企业战略联盟 ,战略联盟作为一种组织创新 ,已经成为现代企业强化其竞争优势的重要手段。本文在综合多种角度战略联盟概念与战略联盟理论研究的基础上 ,提出归纳性的总体观点与认识 ,并以企业竞争优势为核心连接不同理论学派 。
Since the 80's of the 20th century, to cope with the more and more intense external competition environment, western enterprises, especially those transnational companies have started to adjust strategically their competition relations, namely to shift opposite competition to cooperative one. The most important form of cooperative competition is to establish enterprise strategic confederation. As an organizational innovation, this confederation has become an important means for the enterprise to enhance its competitive advantage. After generalizing various concepts of strategic confederation and studying its theory, this paper points out overall viewpoints and experiences, connects different theory schools centered on the enterprise competitive advantage, tries to seek a consistent narration of competition connotation under various states of strategic confederation.
Jianghai Academic Journal
"江苏省哲学社会科学研究‘十五’规划基金项目 :建立成功的战略联盟"的阶段性成果