枳实、枳壳为中医常用药,《中国药典》载:枳实功能破气消积,化痰散痞;枳壳理气宽中,行滞消胀。其主要来源为芸香科植物酸橙 Citrus aurantium L.
Zhi Shi and Zhi Qiao,coming from the same plants,are both used as common drugs,Because of their duration and changes,there is contro- versy about w.hat kind of plant is the high quality of these two drugs. After investigation of many herbal books in the past dynasties the auth- or believes that citrus aurantium(L.),one of Rutaceae,was regarded as the high-quality sample in Tang Dynasty,but since Song Dynasty pon- ncirus trifoliata(L.),also one of Rutaceae,came to the first rate and has been keeping its lcading position till today,thus clearing up the con- ntroversy and the phenonmenon of using the substitute of these two drugs.
Research of Traditional Chinese Medicine