

Women' Psychological Health and Adjustments Concerning Social Development
摘要 社会发展改变着我们身处的环境,在环境中所处的劣势和承受的压力使得当代女性的身心健康逊于男性。注重与加强妇女的身心健康与保健势在必行。 Social development has greatly changed the environment in which we lived nowadays. In this environment,women are under pressure and their state of psychological health is worse than that of man . It is important to pay more attention to it , and then to take measures to improve their psychological health.
作者 解红晖
机构地区 宁波大学社科系
出处 《社会工作》 2007年第6期43-45,共3页 Journal of Social Work
关键词 社会发展 妇女 心理健康 social development woman psychological health
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