对轻微或极轻微的行为是否犯罪的问题 ,日本采司法处理模式 ,在刑法中不规定对构成要件行为的程度的限制 ,但在司法中将不值得处罚者不作为犯罪处理。中国采立法处理模式 ,明确在刑法中规定情节显著轻微危害不大的行为不构成犯罪。立法处理模式要求法律具有更高的确定性 ,因此 ,对我国刑法分则中的情节、结果、后果等弹性规定应予必要的修订。
As to whether the misdemeanor constitutes crime, Japan adopts the judicial model. In Japan, the limitation on degree of constitutive requirements is not stipulated in criminal code. The legislation model is adopted in China and clearly stipulated in criminal code that if the circumstances of a person's crime are minor and do not require criminal punishment, he may be exempted from it. As the legislative processing model requires a higher determination, the elastic clauses such as circumstances, results, sequences and etc. stipulated in specific provision of Criminal Code should be revised.
Law Science (Journal of Northwest Institute University of Politics and Law)