考察中国与西方国家公民权利实现的历史 ,可以发现一种规律性的现象 :人们的权利实现是参差不齐的 ,权利主体是逐步扩大的 ,不同权利种类的实现也是循序渐进的。各国的立法实践同样体现了权利实现的这种差序格局。决定权利实现差序格局的根本原因是社会经济发展不平衡所带来的人们拥有财富多寡的不同 。
An investigation of the history of fulfillment of citizens' rights in China and the Western countries reveals a regular phenomenon: the fulfillment of people's rights is different, the number of subjects of rights are on the increase, and the fulfillment of different sorts of rights advances step by step. The legislative practices of various countries also embody this pattern of difference in fulfillment of rights. The root cause of this difference lies in the disparity of ownership of wealth due to unbalanced social and economic development. It is a reflection of conflicts between the market economy which breeds inequality, and the modern rule of law that emphasizes equality.
Social Sciences in China