目的了解甘肃省甘南藏族自治州(甘南州)内脏利什曼病的发病特征,为制定有效的防控措施提供依据。方法利用传染病疫情网络直报系统及甘南州内脏利什曼病病情监测资料,回顾性分析2005—2017年甘南州内脏利什曼病在地区、季节、年龄、性别和职业等方面的分布特征。结果 2005—2017年甘南州累计报告内脏利什曼病病例367例,年均发病率为4.13/10万,发病率由2005年的1.97∕10万(13/658 961)上升至2017年的4.64/10万(33/711 206),2005年最低(1.97/10万,13/658 961)、2011年最高(6.39/10万,44/689 104),不同年度发病率差异有统计学意义(χ2=31.79,P<0.05);疫情呈散发态势,全州除碌曲县和夏河县未发生内脏利什曼病病例外,其余各县(市)均有不同程度的病例发生,舟曲县发病最重、迭部县次之,发病多集中在夏季,春季发病增多,夏季达到高峰,主要为5岁以下的儿童发病,除儿童外,以农牧民为主,男性发病人数多于女性。结论甘南州内脏利什曼病常年散发流行,具有明显的地域性和季节性;应重点加强白龙江流域内脏利什曼病病情监测,密切掌握疫情动态,有效防控甘南州内脏利什曼病疫情蔓延。
Objective To understand the characteristics of visceral leishmaniasis in Gannan Tibetan autonomous prefecture(Gannan prefecture), and provide evidence for formulating effective measures of prevention and control. Methods The information of visceral leishmaniasis in Gannan prefecture was collected from the Network Direct Reporting System of Infectious Diseases and the local visceral leishmaniasis monitoring system from 2005—2017, to retrospectively analyze the distribution features of region, season, age, gender and occupation. Results There were 367 cases with visceral leishmaniasis reported accumulatively in Gannan prefecture, with average annual incidence of 4.13/100 000. The incidence rate, the highest in2005(1.97/100 000万,13/658 961) and the lowest in 2011(6.39/100 000 万,44/689 104), increased from 1.97/100 000(13/658 961) in 2005 to 4.64/100 000(33/711 206) in 2017. There was statistical difference(χ2=31.79, P〈0.05) in the annual incidence rates among years. The epidemic was sporadic in all counties(cities) in different degrees except for Luqu and Xiahe counties, and the most serious in Zhouqu county and followed by Diebu county. The incidence concentrated in summer, increasing in spring and reaching the peak in summer. The children under 5 year-old were the dominant, then the farmers and herdsmen. Male cases were more than the female's. Conclusions The epidemic of visceral leishmaniasis in Gannan is sporadic in these years with obviously regional and seasonal features. The epidemic surveillance should be strengthened in Bailongjiang drainage basin to grasp the epidemic dynamic and effectively prevent spread of visceral leishmaniasis in Gannan prefecture.
ZHANG Shu-wen;SHANG Wen-jie(The Center for Disease Control and Prevention of Gannan Tibetan Autonomous Prefecture,Hezuo,Gansu 747000,China)
Bulletin of Disease Control & Prevention(China)
Visceral leishmaniasis
Epidemiological characteristics