目的:调查宁夏银川市某三甲医院烧伤科住院患者的病历资料,探讨银川市2011—2017年烧伤患者引起烧伤的原因,并分析其影响因素,为烧伤预防提供参考数据,也为能够更好地深入宣传烧伤预防知识提供相应的具体依据。方法:采用回顾性方法,对宁夏某三甲医院烧伤科2011—2017年间烧伤住院患者的流行病学特征及常见烧伤原因进行描述性分析。结果:本次共收集烧伤住院患者病例5 586例,男性3 950例,女性1 636例,男女比例为2. 41∶1;0~10岁患者占43. 8%,是易受伤害人群;住院患者最小年龄为15d,最大年龄为91岁;居住在城市的患者有3 067例(54. 9%),农村2 519例(45. 1%);在受伤原因中,以热液烫伤为主,占51. 1%,其余依次为火焰灼伤(25. 3%)、电烧伤(9. 6%);出院情况中治愈率为53. 4%,好转率为40. 5%,死亡率为1. 0%,未愈率为0. 4%。结论:烧伤可发生于任何年龄,热液烫伤主要危害10岁以下的儿童,而电击伤主要危害从事相关工作的人员。因此,普及烧伤预防知识十分必要,需要得到社会各界的重视,尤其对于烧伤发生较高的地区,更应关注及普及烧伤预防相关措施。
Objective:To investigate the medical records of the inpatients in the burn department of a top-three hospital in Yinchuan City, Ningxia, and to explore the causes of burns. This paper analyses the influencing factors and providing reference data for burn prevention and reliable basis for spreading burn prevention knowledge in various places. Methods:Using retrospective method,to describe the epidemiological characteristics and common causes of bums from 2011 to 2017, in the bum department of a top-three hospital,in Yinchuan. Results:A total of 5 586 cases of hospitalized burn patients were collected, including 3 950 males and 1 636 females. The male to female ratio was 2.41:1 ;0 - 10 age group patients were the vulnerable group, accounting for 43.8%. The minimum age of inpatients was 15 days, and the maximum age was 91 years old. 3 067 (54. 9% ) patients lived in cities,and 2 519(45.1% ) lived in rural areas. Among the causes of injury, hydrothermal bums accounted for 51.1% ,followed by flame bums (25.3%) and electrical bums (9.6%). The cure rate was 53.4% and the death rate was 1.0%. Conclusion : Burns can happen at any age. Hot fluid scald was harmful to children under 10 years of old especially. The personnel who engaged in related dangerous work was damaged by electrical burns. Therefore, it is necessary to popularize the knowledge of bum prevention and to be valued by all sectors of the society. In particular, it is necessary to pay attention to and popularize relevant measures for burn prevention in areas with high bums.
XUE Xijuan;WU Chunhui;MA Huizhen(Nursing School of Ningxia Medical University,Yinchuan city,Ningxia 75000)
The Journal of Medical Theory and Practice
Burn cause
Influential factors