The Beijing-Tongliao railway is located in the cold region of northeast China. In order to further understand the occurrence and development law of subgrade frost heave, we selected a severe case of freezing injury in Beijing-Tongliao railwany to monitor the water content of the subgrade soil and frost heave condition. Through the analysis of large amount of data, it is found that the location of the freezing injury in Beijing-Tongliao line correspondsto the disease ofthe roadbed. The roadbed damage caused byyearsofoperation hascaused the uneven surface of the roadbed, and the drainage slope is destroyed, so that rainwater can not discharge normally and infiltrate into the subgrade, which destroys the homogeneity of the material of the road matrix filling material. In addition, during the construction filling stage, the difference of the filling source caused the difference in the water transfer during the freezing period and the aggregate flow in the accumulation, resulting in uneven frost heeling. These data provide data basisfor the future solution and prevention offrost damage in the cold region.
TANG Xiao guang(China Railway Shenyang Bureau Group Co.Ltd.,Shenyang 110013,China)
Construction & Design for Engineering
Beijing-Tongliao railway
monitoring of freezing injury
mason of freezing injury