
筒仓输入系统作业效率提升的实践研究 被引量:1

A practical study on the improvement of operational efficiency of silo input system
摘要 以宝钢原料新建筒仓输入作业实际为例,对筒仓输入系统效率提升进行了专题研究。通过分析筒仓设备工艺布置、系统设计、码头船型、不同故障的影响以及料位雷达的设置,提出了从输入计划,雷达设置和格筛自动清扫装置三方面改进,降低了输入系统故障率和故障时间,实现了筒仓输入系统作业效率的提升。 Taking the input operation practice of newly built raw material silo of Baosteel for example, special research on the efficiency improvement of silo input system was carried out. Through the analysis of the silo equipment and process arrangement, system design, ship form, influence of different fault and setting of the material level radar, improvement measures are put forward from three aspects of input plan, radar setting and automatic grate cleaning device, the failure rate and failure time of silo input system are reduced, and the promotion of operation efficiency of silo input system is realized.
作者 燕双武 Yan Shuangwu(Iron-making plant of Baoshan Iron & Steel Co.,Ltd.,Shanghai 200941)
机构地区 宝钢股份炼铁厂
出处 《烧结球团》 北大核心 2018年第5期73-78,共6页 Sintering and Pelletizing
关键词 筒仓 输入系统 效率 仓位 silo input system efficiency silo material level
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