为给黄土高塬沟壑区大规模良种沙棘繁育及工业原料林建设提供技术和材料支撑,西峰站2016—2017年在南小河沟试验场开展了良种沙棘嫩枝扦插技术试验。试验于每年7月上旬对11个引种的大果沙棘品种和4个杂交沙棘品种进行嫩枝扦插,采用室外露天沙盘,安装全光照喷雾扦插育苗设备,剪取生长健壮的沙棘母树当年生长的直径0.2~0.4 cm的半木质化枝条,经制穗、消毒、激素处理后扦插,并进行水分管理、喷药等。对扦插苗实施的当年移植和留圃对比试验表明,免去移植环节,越冬前挖出苗木假植,来年春季直接定植大田,省时省力效果好。
In order to provide technical and material support for good species of Hippophae rhamnoides seed-breeding and industrial raw material forest building on a large-scale of the Gullied Rolling Loess Area,Xifeng Experimental Station conducted tests on softwood cutting technique of good species of Hippophae rhamnoides in the Nanxiaohe gully test site in the period of 2016-2017. It carried out softwood cutting of 11 introduced Hippophae rhamnoides with big fruits and 4 hybrid varieties of Hippophae rhamnoides in the first part of July of each year. The test used outdoor sand table,installed full light spray cuttage facilities for raising seedlings,selected annual semi lignification branch of 0.2-0.4 cm diameter of healthy and strong mother tree for moisture management and spraying and cut after panicle making,disinfection,hormone treatment.The results of transplanting in the year and nursery comparative experiments show that without the step of transplant,digging out the seedlings before winter for heeling in temporary planting and planting in the fields in the next spring can save time and effort and have good effects.
Soil and Water Conservation in China
good species of Hippophae rhamnoides
full light spray equipment
softwood cutting
Gullied Rolling Loess Area