美国毕业后医学教育认证委员会(Accreditation Council for Graduate Medical Education,ACGME)提出了"6大临床核心胜任力标准(Six Core Competencies)"与"里程碑"分阶段的胜任力评价体系。为了更好地推行这些理念,每年在芝加哥总部举办师资培训课程工作坊(Workshop),主题是提升"临床教师对临床胜任力评估能力"的培训,课程由美国胜任力评价标准的主要设计师,ACGME高级副总裁、耶鲁大学内科教授Dr Eric Holmboe担任主持与主要课程导师。在西北大学医学模拟中心开设的专门针对临床教师"直接观察法与反馈"能力的教学模拟练习是本培训课程的亮点。ACGME的师资培训展现了现代医学教育中师资培训的特点:注重教育的循证研究,注重师资的评估能力培训,运用灵活的工作坊形式以及对师资培训效果的纵向评价。主要的学习思考有:临床师资培训应该从住院医师培训阶段就开始做起;在现代医学教育中临床教师要适应教学角色与方式的转变;胜任力医学教育要求通过直接观察方式评估学员的表现,并开展有针对性的指导,帮助学员逐步达到专业培训的目标。
One reason for ACGME’s reputation well-known to worldwide medical educators is its leading position of prompting competency-based medical education(CBME) with "six core competencies" and "milestones" evaluation systems. To promote these concepts, ACGME hosts series of workshops for core faculty development focused on developing faculty competencies in assessment in the headquarter in Chicago annually. Dr. Eric Holmboe, the senior vice president of ACGME as well as the main designer of Milestones system, is designated as one of the mentors and host for the sessions. Workshops hold in Northwestern university sim-lab with highly interactive experience gives participants an opportunity to practice the skills of direct observation and feedback. The ACGME courses represent apparent trends in modern faculty development, which emphasized more on evidence-based research, training of clinical teachers’ evaluation abilities, adopting more flexible and practical workshops and focusing longitudinal effectiveness of faculty development by using measurable learning objectives follow-up. Reflections after participating the courses are that faulty development should begin at the stage of residency training, that clinical teachers need to realize paradigm transition in modern academic medicine and that CBME requests to evaluate residents by direct observations, and related guidance should be made to help trainees to achieve the professional training goals.
WANG Zhengyang(Sir Run Run Shaw Hospital,School of Medicine,Zhejiang University,Hangzhou,Zhejiang 310016,China)
Chinese Journal of Graduate Medical Education
Faculty development
Clinical competency
Direct observation