论文使用微信开发者工具编制图书漂流小程序,解决传统漂流过程中查询不便及图书入库、借阅、预约等手续繁琐的问题;使用Java Script作为中间件读写数据库、格式化JSON数据并与小程序交互,调用微信API实现用户统一认证、二维码扫描等个性化功能。结果表明,小程序功能确切、操作简单,非常契合图书漂流对线上线下连接的功能需求,对推进全民阅读具有积极意义。
In this paper, with WeChat web development tool, a book-crossing program is designed to solve the problems in traditional book-crossing process, such as difficulties in searching, storage, borrowing, reserving and so on. JavaScript is used as middleware to read and write databases and format JSON data and let it exchange with mini program. WeChat APIs are used to call out user unified authentication, QR code scan to make the program personalized. The result shows that WeChat mini program is reliable with simple operation to meet the need to combine the online and offline book-crossing service, which can actively improve nationwide reading project.
New Century Library