
1898—1899年中法广州湾租借地勘界交涉研究 被引量:2

A Study on the Sino-French Negotiations on the Kwangchowan Leased Territory Delimitation from 1898 to 1899
摘要 勘界是中法租借广州湾交涉中最为核心的问题,引起中法之间诸多纠纷。中法在广州湾地理概念理解上的歧见,在1898年4月9、10日交换照会前没有被意识到,清政府也没能利用复照之机及时予以限定。此后,双方在租借地范围问题上各执一词,交涉过程十分曲折。法方纵兵强占,中方则强硬抗争,屡拒法方勘界方案;继而彼此依形势做出一些让步,但分歧难以消除。因硇洲、东海两岛租让之争,中方内部出现分歧。"平石事件"爆发后,外交形势迅速恶化,清廷最终只得授权钦差大臣苏元春对法妥协并签订《广州湾租界约》,继而被迫接受法国多项索补条款。清政府对法广州湾勘界交涉中的难以作为,折射了中日甲午战争后应对"瓜分危机"的外交困境。 The different comprehension between the Qing government and the French government on the geographical position of Kwangchowan were not realized before the exchange of Communications on April 9 and 10 in 1898,and the Qing government did not make a limit on its responsive Communication.Since then,each government held its own opinion on the scope of the leased territory,which hindered the progress of negotiations.The French government ordered its soldiers to occupy more land but its delimitation plans were repeatedly rejected by the Qing government,then both governments made some compromises,but the divergences were difficult to be eliminated.At the last,the Qing court had to authorize the imperial envoy Su Yuanchun to sign The Convention Relative to the Concession of Kwang Chowan and accept another several clauses proposed by the French government.
作者 郭康强
出处 《史林》 CSSCI 北大核心 2018年第4期127-138,221,共12页 Historical Review
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  • 11898—1899年广东遂溪人民反抗法帝国主义侵略广州湾地区的斗争[J].学术研究,1958(1):41-49. 被引量:3
  • 2阮应祺.清末广州湾地理位置考[J].学术研究,1982(5):92-95. 被引量:6
  • 3Jean Escarra.Le Regine Des Concessions Etrangeres en Chine[M].Paris,1929. 被引量:1
  • 4Chris Elder,ed.China's Treaty Ports,Half Love and Half Hate[M].New York:Oxford University Press,1999. 被引量:1
  • 5Bernand Matot,Fort Bayard:Quand la France vendait son opium[M].2013. 被引量:1
  • 6Francois Pave.L'image des armees allies a travers les journaux des diarists francais de la guerre des Boxers[C].Annales de Bretagne et des Pays de l'Ouest,Paris,2008. 被引量:1
  • 7See Jean de Dianoux,Mondes et Cultures,"Kouang-Tcheou-Wan,un territoire cede a bail par la Chine a la France de 1899a1945[J].537-38,Paris,Tome XLII,1982. 被引量:1
  • 8See Bernard Brizay,La France en Chine:Du XVII siècle a nos jours[M].83,Perrin,2013. 被引量:1
  • 9See"Le Petit Journal of Sunday August 1990"[J].showing the wild and supportive crowd in the Court of Marseillaise wishing well to their departing troops on their way to China.Most of the soldiers no doubt were off to China attacking the"Boxers"but no doubt some were involved in the battle of Kouang Tcheou Wan. 被引量:1
  • 10Image of the crew of the D'Entrecasteaux,January 1900. 被引量:1











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