
硬质合金涂层刀具车削钛合金TC4切屑表面形貌及毛边研究 被引量:2

Study on Chip Surface Morphology and Burr of Titanium Alloy TC4 Turned with Carbide Coated Insert
摘要 采用硬质合金涂层刀具车削钛合金TC4,研究了切屑自由表面、后表面形貌,分析了切屑毛边齿高度和宽度随切削速度和进给量的变化规律。结果表明:在较低的切削速度下,切屑后表面出现因不规则切削刃或硬质粒子而产生的平行条纹;在较高的切削速度下,出现因粘结产生的凹坑;随着切削速度的增加,切屑上端毛边的齿高度逐渐增加,而齿宽度变化不大;随着进给量的增加,毛边齿高度和宽度都逐渐减小。 The morphologies of the free surface and rear surface of the chip of titanium alloy TC4 are studied by turning with carbide coated inserts. The variation of the tooth height and width of the chip burr at different cutting speeds and feed rates is analyzed. The results show that parallel stripes are formed in the rear surface of the chip due to an irregular cutting edge or hard particles at a lower cutting speed while pits are formed in the rear surface due to bonding at a higher cutting speed. With the increase of the cutting speed,the tooth height of the burr at the top surface increases gradually while the tooth width changes little. The tooth height and width of the burr decrease when the feed rate increases.
作者 唐玲艳 唐联耀 李鹏南 邱新义 牛秋林 Tang Lingyan;Tang Lianyao;Li Pengnan;Qiu Xinyi;Niu Qiulin
出处 《工具技术》 2018年第8期52-55,共4页 Tool Engineering
基金 国家自然科学基金(51275168) 广东省教育厅青年创新类项目(自然科学类)(2017KQNCX228)
关键词 钛合金TC4 切屑 毛边 后表面 形貌 titanium alloy TC4 chip burr rear surface morphology
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